Dating 101: Be Yourself & It Can Save Your Time, Energy, & Money.

3 Tips to Help Us Be Ourselves.

Dating is not a job interview or business contract negotiation. Being yourself works for a long time, and more importantly, it can save you energy, time, and money.

1. Be yourself, have a  preference:

Do you like soda or water?


Learn more about yourself. Know what you like or don't like and why, why, why, why, why? Know what you are looking for and why? You don't need to put yourself in the box or belittle yourself because you want a date. Know what you want and why, and look for it.

2. Be yourself, be healthy:

There is no two-way street or more explanation. Healthy people are always themselves and attractive. They do what they want and say no to themselves, others, and things without an explanation. And they are not available for every Harry and Helen. Healthy people are attracted to healthy people and things. When you are healthy, you are alert to what you want or don't want.


Pay attention and question an objective truth, listen, and observe things as they are and not as you wnat them to be. Nasty behavior never goes away.

3. Be yourself, have a life:

Be exciting and get your life going. Are we doing what everyone is doing? How is your day going? What about your plan for the next day, month, or year?


Who is the most important person in your life? Get a life.

Being yourself in dating can benefit everyone and save you and others from unnecessary drama. 

Get good with yourself.

See you next month. Feel free to share this article and contact me with any questions.
